It is a question of not if, but when.
When will the proverbial caught between a rock and a hard place occur? When
will the basic fact that when what comes in does not match what goes out dawn
on government leaders it can not go on indefinitely? When will those who take from those who
provide realize that those who provide can no longer support those that take? When will the tipping point occur where the
upward exponential curve of rising debt and interest surpasses the ability of
the flat curve of revenue (taxes) to meet even the payment of interest? When
will it come to pass that all income is taxed and it is still not enough to pay
the piper?
Again, our liberal elite in the confines
of their beltway newsrooms has failed to understand basic principles of
economics, and even worse the lessons of history. A quote from one of the leading liberal pundit
class, Sally Kohn:
amidst the back and forth drama between the political parties, who are so few
leaders and political commentators addressing the false premise in the first
place -- the simple, mathematical fact that the debt just isn't even close to
America's biggest problem right now?”
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December 07, 2012
have to admit Sally is partially right.
Yes, right now the debt is not America’s biggest problem. Right now
America’s biggest problem is its failure to recognize the debt will become the
biggest problem in just a few years unless we do something about it now. Mathematically, today, the debt is just a
blip on the fiscal curve of life. It was rising slowly by millions, then
billions in the past 20 years or so. However, since Obama came into the White
House, he has added multiple TRILLIONS to the debt and plans yet more in the
future. This uptick in spending is
equivalent of injecting steroids into Lance Armstrong. The President juiced a crippled system so
much that even at a “low” 3% interest rate, the mathematical resulting curve
goes exponential in just a very few short years.
For those of you with a public school
education, imagine Al Gore’s green house gas CO2 graph he demonstrated so
effectively in “An Inconvenient Truth”. His graph showed the CO2 steroidal
injection creating an exponential curve shooting so high he had to get a cherry
picker to lift him up to the expected top of the curve. Just change the graph’s
units from tons of CO2 to dollars and bingo; you see the debt curve that is
facing America in a few years down the road.
You may not like his tie or his politics,
but Mr. Paul Ryan’s debt analysis is factually based and damned scary. His projection
is we have but a few years to correct this massive upturn in the curve before
the window closes and we shoot the moon with a mountain of debt that is
unmanageable. What then, say you Ms. Kohn?
“High unemployment is a crisis. The
increase in poverty is a crisis. The foreclosure rate is a crisis. The deficit
is not a crisis. It is an excuse for bad economics and bad policy that will
hurt America today and in the future.”
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Read more:
question, When is American’s future going to come home to roost? Ms. Kohn’s economic theory has us on a course
too not only go over the cliff, but right off the edge of the universe. She has
swallowed Obama’s approach of increased spending us further into debt to the
point where our debt to GDP is over 100%. (Ms. Kohn points to this occurring
during the Great Depression and how Saint FDR’s New Deal, got us out of that
situation. What she forgets to mention that it took a World War to do it, as
the New Deal had gone south by the late 30’s!)
result of such a debt to GDP ratio in the modern era is an economy like Japan
or Greece. Think years of stagnation, horrific austerity, and years of chronic
unemployment for millions. Sound like a
bright future you want for your children?
the collapse of our debt occurs, what happens then? When America cannot even
pay the interest on its racked up debts, what happens then? When our creditors
(think communist China) call the loans, what happens then? The resulting hurt, pain, and destruction of
American’s financial security will be far worse than if we bite the bullet now,
get our fiscal house in order, and then move carefully into the middle of the
21st Century, stronger and far more capable of meeting the global
challenges of our world.
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