Two debates are enough for the Watchman. The
third, I suspect will confirm what the Watchman has already concluded. Mitt Romney is presidential timber.
This comes as no big surprise to most of my
friends, family, and co-workers. I
already lean hard right of center, almost libertarian in some respects, so the
decision is not a giant leap of faith or roll of the dice. No, after careful
consideration, Mitt is my man for the presidency. What do I see in Mitt that I
don’t see in Barack?
Watching the debates and noted Mitt had a high
emotional quotient or EQ in today’s business lingo. When it was his turn to
take a seat or stand quietly, he was like a rock. Focused intently on what the
President said, and in one of the best poker faces I’ve seen, he hardly moved a
muscle. Without letting on he was deep in thought and then was prepared to
respond with cogent analytical responses.
Some might find that approach cold and
sterile. Think though for a moment into
the future. Consider President Romney sitting across from Russian President Putin
with that same steady, controlled attentiveness. How might the outcome of such a meeting be
different from one with President Obama who seems to wear his EQ on both sleeves? My bet is Romney would be a tough cookie to
negotiate arms controls, economic issues, and human rights. Consider the practice he’s had in negotiating
business deals with other hard, steely eyed businessmen. Think that might be a
factor missing in Obama?
Romney doesn’t have a need to be liked. He’s
comfortable in his own skin and seems to move with ease among the other equally
powerful people he comes across.
President Obama appears to have this yearning to be accepted and liked,
thus his trips to Letterman, Stewart, and the View, all fellow travelers who
fawn on him unabashedly. He is like my dog, can’t possibly get enough attention
or petting, and sulks if no treat is forthcoming.
Another aspect I see in Romney that is missing
from the President is his vision. Romney sees the future for what it will be,
based on realities of what is within the realm of the possible. Romney’s five
point plan is sufficiently detailed to let you know he’s thinking ahead just
enough to sketch out the general ideas and will add the fine print in
conjunction with congress. I suspect he
has a picture of what many of his initiatives will look like in his mind’s eye,
yet doesn’t want to paint the full scene until he knows how the lay of the land
will be on January 20. Romney seems
energized by the challenges and the harder it gets, the harder he gets. I see
discipline and a dogged stick-with-it approach to work. He works.
Obama on the other hand, sees the future for
what he hopes he can change it to be based on realities of what HE believes he
can make possible. When the picture he sees in his mind’s eye begins to get
blurry or too difficult to paint, he gives up in the ugly phase, looses
interest, as he is not getting the right “strokes” from his followers. Look at the developmental history of his
single achievement, Obamacare. At several junctures he appeared totally
disinterested and was throwing in the towel. When it got too hard he turned it
over to Pelosi and Reid to do the hard slogging. I don’t see Obama as a looser
or quitter, just a bored smart guy who looses focus when the mission bogs down.
He plays.
I see Mitt with a heart that beats hot for
America and Americans. Even his 47% comment really held much truth to it in
terms of they are indeed firmly in the safety net, so he’s not worried about
them. It’s the other 53% who are footing the bill he’s concerned about. The 47%
should be too! But more importantly,
Romney desires for all to succeed, not just a few winners picked by government
run amuck. Barack focuses on the status
quo, keeping the 47% down and growing it more where possible. He said he wants
to spread the wealth and doesn’t believe independent business builds their
success without government’s direct unseen hand in the operation. I see Barack
with a vacuous heart, beating hot for the all powerful state and ignorant
I see Mitt as a wise judge of people’s
character and abilities. Look at his pick for a VP running mate, Paul Ryan.
Mitt is unafraid to put people on his team that may shine brighter than himself.
I see Mitt picking men and women, all from binders filled with highly qualified
people, who will lead their departments with dignity and honor. I don’t see Obama picking the best and
wisest. If you look at each of his major cabinet team and the many Czars, they
all have one thing in common: They shine less brightly than Obama, second or
third string to Barack. Obama has to be the smartest guy in the room, bar
none. Just imagine what kind of pick he
would make to the Supreme Court. Is there any left leaning legal scholar
brighter than himself?
Lastly, but not completely as I keep finding
more about Romney that I admire and less from Obama, I see Romney as a man of
faith. I am not a Mormon, but I am aware
of their disciplined lives and their single-minded faith that God is God of the
universe and we all must await His judgment. I see Mitt as a humble man before
his God. I don’t see that at all in Barack.
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