The second activity we did was to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It was always stirring to look at our flag and stand in awe of what our forefathers had done for us. It was again a serious moment when in our minds eye we could seek Washington crossing the Delaware, the Blue and Gray in hot battle upon Missionary Ridge, Marines locked in bitter fighting at Chateau Theriery, the 101st dropping into Normandy, and in our own day, the fighting in Viet Nam. Beyond those images, home scenes flashed through our minds, the wheat fields of Kansas, the Statue of Liberty, a parade down main street, and the mighty Rocky Mountains soaring above the fruited plain.
Earlier this week I came across a Fox News story that in all honesty shook me to the core. The City Council of Eugene, Oregon voted down a proposal to say the Pledge of Allegiance before every council meeting! Fox News Video
Who would ever believe in our nation, men and women would have such disdain for their own country. The level of utter contempt for the flag of their nation, the symbol of what gives them even the right to say such drivel is truly troubling. Where do people get these kinds of ideas? Why do they hate America so much, they'd compare the saying the pledge to reading the Communist Manifesto? Again, who can believe our fellow citizens have come to such a conclusion after receiving such tremendous blessings from a country such as ours.
Another pledge opponent, Councilwoman Betty Taylor compared saying the Pledge of Allegiance to reading from "The Communist Manifesto."
Resident Anita Sullivan summed up a common viewpoint: “So you say I pledge allegiance and right there I don’t care for that language,” Sullivan says. “It sort of means loyalty to your country; well, I feel loyalty to the entire world.”
Then I remember reading some years back a little book written by Red Skelton. Red was a clean-cut real comedian that you could actually let your kids watch on TV. His book was about the Pledge of Allegiance. I found a video clip of him presenting his thoughts on the Pledge.
The council members of Eugene Oregon might need to review the clip and learn what the pledge is really all about. Or optionally, move to some place else in the "world" where I'm sure they'll learn just how much their allegiance to the world is worth when they lose their freedoms to some dictator thug.
The next time you have the opportunity to stand for pledge, let your heart and mind consider that freedom isn't free and many have gone on before to ensure our liberty remains. The next time you pass by the flag flying free in the wind, recall the passionate words of Red Skelton about the pledge. The next time you stand for the national anthem, don't just mouth the words, SING them aloud and proudly.
In fact, place a flag on your picnic table this 4th of July and as a family, a recite the pledge together!
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